- Born in 1949 in Paris.
- Degrees in Classical Literature, Philosophy, Chinese.
- Colllaboration with Fr Claude Larre († 2001) and Dr Jean Schatz († 1984) on Chinese thinking and Chinese medicine. Co-founder of the Paris Ricci Institute (1971) and of the European School of Acupuncture (1975).
- Former General Secretary of the Ricci Institute in Paris and former Chief editor for the Grand Ricci (great encyclopaedic comprehensive Chinese-French dictionary in 7 volumes, published end of 2001).
- Former General Secretary of the European School of Acupuncture,
- Dean of the study and senior lecturer for the European School of Acupuncture.
- Member of the European Association of Chinese Studies
- Member of the French Association of Chinese Studies … (and others)
- Lecture on ancient Chinese philosophy and on classical medical texts, in France as well as in several European and American contries.
- Author of numerous books, booklets, articles (translations in English, Italian, German, Portuguese, Hebrew, Polish, Sweden).
- Participation to congresses and international conferences.